Nom P.'s review of eBridge Interactive, LLC

eBridge Interactive, LLC

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Just Fabulous
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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 2/15/2012
. 1
. 0
Who would do business with these folks
Guy with chinese accent calls. Wants to speak with office mgr who is out. ME: what it was in regard to? HiM: your listings with Facebook, Google,and Verizon. Me: already listed with Yellow Pages, and no interest in listing on Facebook. He YELLS at me: WE ARE NOT YELLOW PAGES!!! ME: I understand, but we have no interest in your product. He: I need to speak with your office manager ME: Well I am the president of the company and I can tell you we have no interest HE: (yelling over me as I respond) You are not the President. You are a liar. You are nothing but a liar. Wow, what a phone spiel. Certainly had me sold! Way to win over the owner of a company. I would have thought he was a frustrated employee with limited english skills had I not seen the scam reviews below. Linked in says they only have 3 employees so must definitely be the same guy using different names.
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Hours   9-6 PST M-F Phone   (888) 993-2743 Address   318 North Carson Street #208
Carson City, NV 89701
Website Email
Contact   Jim Stockman Other  
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