Review 5/20/2010
I too became a victim of Your Choice Auto Transport. I was promised my vehicle would be transported on a Sat, but it wasn't. When I finally heard back from him on Tues, he E-MAILED me to tell me that my vehicle was JUST dispatched. This meant he lied when he said my vehicle was going to be transported on Sat since he didn't dispatch it before the Sat it was to be transported. This also means he waited six days before finally dispatching it for a driver to transport! His manager Laura cared less whether or not my vehicle was transport and even threatened to just set my order aside and not have my vehicle transport. She simply said it is in the contract that they have a grace period to transport any vehicle (forever). So this means if you call and they tell you they will transport your vehicle on a certain date, they can (and have) not transport it and will tell you tough luck - it's in our contract we didn't have to even though we told you we would. In the end Sarah Walker told the driver transporting my vehicle that I'd pay fifty dollars more that what my contract stated, even when I told her I didn't agree to pay it. When Sara said the driver would call me as if giving me a chance to work out the price, he never did. Instead he showed up the following morning demanding the additional $50 Sara told him that I'd pay or else he would put my vehicle in a storage yard. There it would incur storage fees that I would have to pay in order to get it out after paying the additional $50. It was as if they were in accord with each other to get more money out of me. I agree that the positive reviews must have been written by their employees since they are short and do not include any specifics. Read my specifics and do not go with Your Choice Auto Transport.