Review 10/19/2009
I hired (Robert) James Clayton owner of Jim Clayton Construction to build a cabin on my property in Bryson City, NC. The experience was a nightmare. About half way through I fired him. The construction of the cabin was unsatisfactory. There were numerous water leaks, windows and doors were installed improperly, one window was actually installed sideways! There were also major structural deficiencies. I filed a complaint (#06C-216) with the North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors. On September 19, 2007 the board concluded that Clayton’s actions “constitute gross negligence, incompetency and/or misconduct in the practice of general contracting.” They ordered the suspension of his license (#55538) for one year.
An audit conducted by an accountant of the construction account discovered that there were large sums of money unaccounted for, cash was missing, Clayton overpaid himself and he charged me for material that was not in the cabin. After unsuccessful attempts to arrange meetings with Clayton over this issue I was forced to file a Civil Law Suit
(#07-CvS-52) in Swain County Superior Court. On February 12, 2009 The jury unanimously agreed and submitted among other issues, that I was damaged as a result of “fraudulent conduct”, and that Clayton failed to disclose to me that he was using funds paid by me for the construction of other projects not associated with the construction of my cabin. On February 24, 2009 the court awarded me well over $43,000.00.
This guy is still in business.