Annise Y.'s review of Advanced Wellness Research, Inc.

Advanced Wellness Research, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 2/24/2009
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Review 2/24/2009
PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!! THIS COMPANY IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED. The ad that I saw for this Acai Berry popped up when I was at the Weight Watchers website. I thought it was trustworthy. Once I ordered I had a funny feeling and went back to look over the terms again. I realized there was a good chance that I would have a large charge as 14 days is a short time frame. I called the company right away, minutes after ordering and was told I had to receive the product before cancelling. I finally got the product and called to cancel on the 11th day. I asked for a cancellation number and received it as well as an assurance that I would not be charged. Today I noticed $78.81 charged to my debit card which comes right out of my checking account. I called the company and the man said it was a mistake and a refund would be made in 3-5 business days. I asked for and was given a transaction ID number. I also called my bank to see what I could do as I'm doubting the credit will be made. My bank said that they have had other dealings like this and that I could close my debit card, get a new one and no more charges could come through as long as I didn't give my checking account number. Closing my checking account will be the last resort as I have payroll direct deposit, insurance draft, and other automatic things that occur. We decided to wait 3-5 business days in case there is a refund because I want that to be able to go through if it occurs. If no credit in the next week, I will have to cancel my debit card. What a mess! Don't do business with them!!!!
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